Adineta sp. 4, dorsoventral view of a gliding/ feeding animal. In contrast to another morphotype of Adineta tuberculosa only the integument of head and foot of this morphotype is covered with granules. |
Adineta sp. 4, four aspects of the head: |
Upper left: dorsal view; the arrowhead points to the conspicuous U-shaped notch in the rostrum / rostral lamella.Lateral sides of rostrum ± parallel. Upper right: focus plane on the tubular side protrusions with short cilia. |
Lower left: focus plane on the ciliary field and the rake apparatus with 9 U-hooks (which is in contrast to Adineta tuberculosa s.str. with 6 U-hooks). Upper right: focus plane on the ventral side of the head of another specimen. The ciliary field is bent to the dorsal side in this image. |
Adineta sp. 4, juxtaposition of two parts of the integument: the pores in the upper part (neck pseudosegment) are elevated (granulations); their distance is ≈ 2.2µm. The pores of the trunk (here: above the stomach lumen) are unconspicuous; their distance is ≈ 1µm. |
Adineta sp. 4, foot and spurs. Cone-shaped spurs with distinct tips. The cone-shaped part with granulated integument. Integument of distinct tips without granulation. No interspace between spurs. |
Location: Germantown US |
Habitat: dry moss on roof |
Date: 20.09.2015 |
Samples provided by courtesy of Aydin Orstan, Germantown, Maryland, US |